Briisk InsurTech Blog

Travel Insurance - the valuable add on

Written by Gordana McNamara | Jun 18, 2019 9:12:48 AM

It’s strange to think that just a hundred years ago, very few people were travelling abroad. Most people didn’t even own cars before the 1900s, and yet, travel insurance has been around since as far back as 1864.

This overwhelming need for protection against theft or accidents while travelling was recognised long before it’s time and, fast forward to today, the need is greater than ever. The risks we face in the modern world are so outlandish, dangerous and numerous that many would be beyond the wildest imagination of the average 1900s adventurer, and far more expensive to deal with should you not have the right insurance cover.

These could range from accidentally wrecking a vehicle when driving on ‘the other side of the road’ to car theft, theft of belongings – tourists have always been easy targets – or injury during sporting events, such as ski trips.

Some travellers today still elect to venture on without any form of travel insurance whatsoever, and this is largely due to two main reasons:

  • Travel insurance is seen as expensive, or;
  • Travellers just don’t understand the full benefits of this cover, or erroneously believe themselves to be covered by existing policies while abroad.

However, often local travel insurances do not cover the full length of an overseas stay, their cover limits are not high enough for real emergencies in Europe/USA or Asia, and/or they do not comply with the Schengen VISA regulations.

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With profitability impacted by a number of factors in today’s sluggish economy, the addition of travel insurance provides easy ancillary revenue to travel agents or online travel portals. It provides additional revenue, for very little exertion, because with the right type of client interaction, and if both product and pricing are dynamic, travel insurance will sell itself.

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Global events such as acts of terrorism, deadly virus outbreaks, extreme weather or war have significantly increased the traveller’s awareness of unpredictable travel disruptions. Traveller’s now know that these events could arrive suddenly, and without warning, and have begun to recognise the importance of acquiring the right cover. Travel insurance is no longer viewed as a commodity, but the purchase of protection.

This is not to mention the many other basic benefits that travel insurance offers, from unexpected trip cancellations or flight delays, to sudden illness or injury, to damage or loss of luggage, which every traveller desires.   

People still want to travel – they just want a safety net. People want freedom – they just want security.  Sell safety and security at great value, and you have instant, reliable revenue.